App Modernization

Make your business relevant in the digital era
App modernization

Why Modernize?

The vast majority of companies that were not «born» digital are not primed to take advantage of all the latest technologies. Your infrastructure, technology, applications, and approach to software development will be left behind by more agile, responsive, and innovative rivals if you stay stuck in the past. To remain competitive and relevant, legacy businesses must evolve quickly, as legacy applications are an important part of the value chain for most businesses. 

Our Offerings

IT organizations must transform their culture, tools, and processes to deliver better quality software faster and more frequently so businesses can remain agile. Legacy applications lack the architecture, infrastructure, and technology to support a modern software development process, impairing the ability of your IT teams to deliver business-critical software quickly and reliably. We help our customers with app modernization to become agile, reduce technical debt, and improve the performance of each application to the business.

App modernization

Customer Experience (CX) Modernization

App modernization
Enterprises must provide human-like and intuitive experiences at every touch-point for every customer to compete and win in today’s market. Many companies, constrained by legacy architecture and systems, require careful analysis, reengineering, and an iterative process to modernize UX. We understand the latest evolving market trends and customer expectations. We evaluate and analyze your existing systems and recommend a viable path to CX modernization.
Our capabilities:
CX strategy, UI/UX design, web/mobile experience delivery. Enterprise system integration.

API Enablement

App modernization

One of the major hurdles in modernizing enterprise IT systems is the complexity involved in accessing legacy data and functionalities. The use of APIs allows external and internal users to interact with a company’s data and functions efficiently and effectively. APIs make digital transformation possible for many companies and empower them to make smarter decisions, improve customer satisfaction, drive innovation, and identify new areas of business. Organizations that establish a comprehensive API strategy, whether the APIs are being consumed internally or externally, are the most successful. We are your trusted partner when it comes to API enablement within your company.

Our capabilities:
API strategy, microservices design and delivery, API migration to cloud, API management platform (Apigee, Mulesoft)
App modernization
App modernization

AI Enablement

App modernization

Among disruptive technologies, artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) play a very important role in enterprise transformation. An AI-first strategy makes AI the core of the company. It’s used to optimize forecasting, customer support, marketing, product, manufacturing, and fault detection. It’s also used to learn about customer preferences and innovative ways to create a competitive advantage. Many companies face difficulties in adopting this technology, and technical and organizational rigidities often stand between quick wins and true enterprise-wide transformation. We can guide you from strategy to execution of the AI-first objectives of your company.

Our capabilities:
AI strategy, data engineering for AI, ML ops, AI/ML models, computer vision, NLP, IDP, conversational AI.

Cloud Migration

App modernization
To succeed in today’s digital age, it’s imperative to embrace the power of the cloud, especially migrating applications to the cloud to drive growth. Every organization’s journey to the cloud is unique, as there is no one-size-fits-all migration strategy. The cost, performance, and complexity of each IT asset to be migrated is unique. Before deploying cloud-based infrastructure, it is important to validate the most efficient way to prioritize and migrate applications. Strategies like the 6 Rs of migration can give you a framework on how to migrate IT assets to the cloud. We work with you to devise a strategy and execution model that fits your company.
Our capabilities:
Cloud migration strategy, 6 Rs (Rehost, Replatform, Repurchase, Refactor, Retire, and Retain), AWS, Azure, and GCP migration
App modernization
App modernization

Data Modernization

App modernization
A successful business requires access to all actionable data, the ability to anticipate market changes, and the ability to scale operations quickly. It is crucial for companies to have a clear understanding of how to source, interpret, and consume information. It requires flexible data structures and a modern analytics platform that can turn chaos into actionable, insightful intelligence. Data modernization enables new business models to monetize data and generate direct revenues from datasets, insights, and analytics-based services, and a resilient data infrastructure and process capabilities enhance customer service and sales.
Our capabilities:
Data modernization strategy, cloud migration, data engineering, analytics

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